At this fair, you can try on traditional Japanese clothing. Whatever you choose, whether it's a dress or traditional Japanese clothing, come and check out the Japanese-modern atmosphere of the venue, where it will look perfect.
At this fair, you can try on traditional Japanese clothing. Whatever you choose, whether it's a dress or traditional Japanese clothing, come and check out the Japanese-modern atmosphere of the venue, where it will look perfect.
At this fair, you can try on traditional Japanese clothing. Whatever you choose, whether it's a dress or traditional Japanese clothing, come and check out the Japanese-modern atmosphere of the venue, where it will look perfect.
At this fair, you can try on traditional Japanese clothing. Whatever you choose, whether it's a dress or traditional Japanese clothing, come and check out the Japanese-modern atmosphere of the venue, where it will look perfect.
Main contents of this fair

【初めてのフェア参加でも】 「準備は何をいつから?」「まだ何もわからない」など…。どんなことでも、経験豊富なプランナーにご相談を♪お二人のご結婚式を一緒に描かせてください!


テイストの違う姉妹店 EYOHAKUと雰囲気を比較していただけます。
Simultaneous venue visit
Our sister store EYOHAKU has a different style.
You can compare the atmosphere.

Simultaneous venue visit
Our sister store EYOHAKU has a different style.
You can compare the atmosphere.

Bridal Fair Customization
Based on this fair, we will customize each group and prepare the most suitable content to welcome you.
Please let us know your requests when making your reservation.
Official website reservation
Best Rate Guarantee
If you make a reservation for a tour through the official website,
We can offer you better deals than if you make a reservation through a venue introduction site, venue introduction desk, or consultation counter.
If you would like to visit, please make a reservation through this official reservation page.

Reception hours: 10:00-19:00
*Closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays)
Book a tour
Tour reservations can be made via our website, phone, or LINE.
Reception hours: 10:00-19:00 *Closed on Tuesdays [Except for public holidays]
Reception hours: 10:00-19:00
*Closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays)
Online reservation
Please select your preferred date and time.
Please select your preferred date and time.